Developing safe, equitable pipelines into the tech industry for historically under-represented groups.
The Context: The technology industry in North America is valued in the trillions, creating solutions and jobs in manufacturing of electronics, creation of software, computers, or products and services relating to information technology. But does everyone have equitable access to be part of the tech economy? 68% of leaders in major tech companies report a lack of diversity in their workforce, in particular, women/trans/non-binary folk, people of color, and those with diverse abilities/disabilities.
Why This Project Matters: We are supporting the development of a pilot project creating pathways for individuals who have experienced gender-based violence to access equitable and economically independent roles in a major tech company, with a specialized focus on accessibility, equity, and trauma-informed practice.
What We Are Doing: Development of program model, equitable hiring processes, on/off ramp training, job placement assessments, Lived Experience advisory board, professional coaching and psycho-social support for participants, trauma informed workplace training, project analysis and third-party evaluation, specialized development with candidates in appreciative failure, workplace boundaries, assertive communication, engaging personal power, and negotiation.