About Us

Work With Us

Interested in contributing to work that gives you purpose and serves the world? Consider joining the Maxwell Consulting Group and browse our opportunities below.

Work with us

Job Postings – Consultants

We hire a diverse team of contracted and staff Consultants to engage in project based, short and long term ESG work, coaching, education, and storytelling design.

Work with us

Paid Internships

We invest in growing generations of leaders living on purpose and working in the ESG sector.

We mentor business school graduates, aspiring policy makers, community organizers, and those with lived adverse experiences by offering paid internship opportunities, often for specialized short-term projects.

Work with us

Volunteer Opportunities

Are you an established professional looking to make a positive impact? Consider volunteering pro-bono time to projects that break new ground and kick up some change for good. That might mean a few hours of input, content review, advisory committees, and much more.

We also support individuals seeking opportunities to explore new areas of their careers/studies through volunteering and unpaid internships, including those on maternity/paternity leave, those with closed work permits, and those with precarious immigration status.

What Our Team is Saying

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